Hello Everyone
What a gorgeous day! To bad i had to stay in for most of it studying exams, oh well...I did manage to hike to Northern Light and back and sighted lots of black-capped Chickadees in the alders picking at the cones. I got a picture of one hanging upside down on an alder and it had a band on its leg! Might have been one of the birds we banded this year at the Brier Island Migration Banding Station at Northern Light! Also sighted an immature Bald Eagle fly by and Eider Ducks, 2 Buffleheads and 2 Goldeneyes. Blue jays , and 10 white-winged crossbills were heading to Northern light. They would circle then head back in towards land again. Will post a picture of the chickadee with a band as soon as i can.
At my feeder a tree sparrow and the usually male pheasant was putting the run to the crows. Guess he figured they are eating his food to much!
Hope everyone got a chance to enjoy the day.