Hello everyone
Went for a hike to pond cove and sighted the Buff-breasted Sandpiper Eric Mills had sighted earlier. Other birds in the area were: tree swallows, bank swallows,Semi-palmated Sandpipers, Semi-palmated Plovers, and Sanderlings.Lots of seals at pond cove and one thought i looked pretty interesting so he followed along with me close to shore bobbing his head up to look and see where i was. Then i drove to Northern Light and on my way i noticed a Great Blue Heron walking in a yard so i stopped and got a couple of pictures before i continued along to Northern Light. I also sighted a Great Blue Heron on the rocks there also. As i drove back down to go to the boat a kingfisher was sitting on the hydro lines. We went out today and about 4 miles off Western Light we sighted Sockeye and an unknown whale. We also sighted a minke whale on our way in with some harbor porpoises. Lots os seabirds such as Northern Gannets, Phalaropes, 1 Northern Fulmar,2 Wilson storm petrels, Sooty and Greater Shearwaters.